Monday, September 13, 2010


Today's my first football game to cheer at! I am so excited but nervvouusss:( I have so many flutters in me right now. I am also missing my roommate next door. (shout out to ellen!) I know I can cheer, so why am I nervous??
go bulldogs:)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


About a month ago, my mom, sister and me were driving on the way to round top. Going of a speed of 50 mph, a giant group of vultures are sitting on the other side of the road. In panic: the vultures fly across road because of the speedy car. Sadly there is always the straggler in every click. One big vulture started flying by us just as we were 10 feet from him. "BOOM!" The black big bird bounces of our front window and lays dowm on the road. dead. Rest in peace little guy. R.I.P.